Interview Questions and Answer
a. Entity Framework is an ORM framework.
b. Entity Framework is an open source ORM framework.
c. Entity Framework is database mapping tool.
d. Entity Framework is object mapping tool.
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a. Model window
b. Model Browser
c. EDM Designer
d. Solution Explorer
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a. DbContext cannot be used in Code First approach
b. ObjectContext is a wrapper around DBContext
c. DbContext is a wrapper around ObjectContext
d. DbContext is a sealed class which cannot be override
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a. Common Schema Definition Language
b. Conceptual Schema Definition Language
c. Conceptual Store Definition Language
d. Conceptual Storage Definition Language
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a. LINQ-to-Entity
b. Entity SQL
c. Native SQL
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a. It automatically generates the classes from the model and updates these classes dynamically when the model is changed.
b. It takes care of database connectivity.
c. It provides query syntax for querying the model
d. It does not provide any mechanism to track changes to the model’s objects.
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a. myDbcontext.Entry(studentEntity).state = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified
b. myDbcontext.Add(studentEntity).state = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified
c. myDbcontext.Set(studentEntity).state = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified
d. myDbcontext.Entity (studentEntity).ChangeState (System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified)
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a. DBContextManager
b. ObjectContextManager
c. ObjectStateManager
d. EntityObjectManager
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a. dbcontext.Database.SqlQuery("Select * from Student where studentid=1")
b. dbcontext.Students.SqlQuery("Select * from Student where studentid=1")
c. dbcontext.Configuration.SqlQuery("Select * from Student where studentid=1")
d. dbcontext.SqlQuery("Select * from Student where studentid=1")
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a. myDBContext.Database.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
b. myDBContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
c. myDBContext.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
d. myDBContext.Students.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
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a. IObjectContextAdapter
b. IDBContextAdapter
c. IEntityObjectContext
d. IObjectContext
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a. myDBContext.Students.Add(new Student(){ StudentName = "newStudent" });
b. myDBContext.Add(new Student(){ StudentName = "newStudent" });
c. myDBContext.Students(new Student(){ StudentName = "newStudent" });
d. myDBContext.Set(new Student(){ StudentName = "newStudent" });
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